
Nom Carte armée Points Nb. figurines Compétitif ? Testé ? Description Utilisateur Actions
Archers orcs Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Rider x1, Krug x1, Ice Troll Berserker x1, Mimring x1 500 13 Non Oui Aucun(e) Blade
Uzog Uzog x1, Durgeth Ravagers x3, Ghoul Vanguard x1, Zombie Hulk x1 465 12 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Kaemon supports Kaemon Awa x1, Ana Karithon x1, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior x1, Deathreavers x2, Hatamoto Taro x1 510 12 Non Oui Aucun(e) Blade
Fyorlargs Fyorlag Spiders x3, Quahon x1, Wyvern x1, Kozil x1 540 12 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Hive drones Marro Hive x1, Su-Bak-Na x1, Marro Drones x3 470 11 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Agents Agent Carr x1, Krav Maga Agents x1, Agent Skahen x1, Ebon Armor x1, Command Courier x2 515 11 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Sacred legion Arashara Goshiri x1, Marcus Decimus Gallus x1, Roman Legionnaires x1, Parmenio x1, Sacred Band x1 490 11 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Guardians Gurei-Oni x1, Crypt Guardian x3, Shades of Bleakewoode x1, Banshees of Durgeth Swamp x2 520 11 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Undead squad Iskra Esenwein x1, Rechets of Bogdan x1, Bloodline Nobles x1, Malakir Bloodchasers x1, Sorin of the Eternal Thirst x1 420 11 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Nicholas Nicholas Esenwein x1, Preyblood Thrall x1, Bloodburst Thrall x4, Deathstrike Thrall x1, Eldrazi Ruiner x1, Eldrazi Scions x1 525 11 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade