
Nom Carte armée Points Nb. figurines Compétitif ? Testé ? Description Utilisateur Actions
Rogue Locksley x1, Nottingham Brigand x1, Cormin the Dark x1, Millerson x1, Kha x1 430 5 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Knights Sir Dupuis x1, Phantom Knights x1, Prince al'Kahora x1, Viceron the Blood Knight x1, Concan the Kyrie Warrior x1 510 7 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Agents Agent Carr x1, Krav Maga Agents x1, Agent Skahen x1, Ebon Armor x1, Command Courier x2 515 11 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Guards Warden 816 x1, Honor guard of the blasted lands x3, Zettian Infantry x3, Deathreavers x1 520 23 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Elf wizards Ulginesh x1, Haduc x1, Emirroon x1, Morsbane x1, Acolarh x1 540 5 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Constructs Talingul x1, Augamo x1, Avernus x1, Lilja x1, Greater Ice Elemental x1, Breach x1 780 6 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Marro Warlord Grok Riders x1, Ne-Gok-Sa x1, Kee-Mo-Shi x1, Su-Bak-Na x1, Elaria the Pale x1 570 7 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Sacred legion Arashara Goshiri x1, Marcus Decimus Gallus x1, Roman Legionnaires x1, Parmenio x1, Sacred Band x1 490 11 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Wyrmlings Marutuk x1, Black Wyrmling x1, White Wyrmling x3, Blue Wyrmling x3, Red Wyrmling x2 480 10 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade
Guardians Gurei-Oni x1, Crypt Guardian x3, Shades of Bleakewoode x1, Banshees of Durgeth Swamp x2 520 11 Non Non Aucun(e) Blade