
Name Army card Point Nb. figures Competitive ? Tested ? Description User Actions
Summon back Saylind the Kyrie Warrior x1, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior x1, Bramcephys x1, Shurrak x1 550 4 No Yes Null Blade
Lizard King V2 Greenscale Warriors x4, Charos x1, Path Wardens x1 550 15 No Yes Null Blade
Primadons Laglor x1, Gorillitroopers x3, Zaeus x1 555 8 No No Null Blade
Zombies Zombies of Morindan x4, Zombie Hulk x1, Blighted Reavers x1, Liliana Vess, Necromancer x1 565 17 No Yes Null Blade
Marro Warlord Grok Riders x1, Ne-Gok-Sa x1, Kee-Mo-Shi x1, Su-Bak-Na x1, Elaria the Pale x1 570 7 No No Null Blade
Gladiators Spartacus x1, Capuan Gladiators x2, Tetraites x1, Retiarius x1, Crixus x1 630 10 No No Null Blade
Minions Minions of Utgar x2, Taelord the Kyrie Warrior x1, Runa x1, Emperor Andask x1 650 9 No Yes Null Blade
Constructs Talingul x1, Augamo x1, Avernus x1, Lilja x1, Greater Ice Elemental x1, Breach x1 780 6 No No Null Blade