Ataraxis the Starlich (Utgar)

Life 3
Move 5
Range 5
Attack 3
Defense 4
Point 160
Nb. figures 1
Planet Feylund
Species Undead
Type Unique Hero
Class Lady
Personality Terrifying
Height Medium 5
Wave C3V - 23 : Yngvild's Vision

Before moving, you may choose a small or medium figure you control within 5 spaces of Ataraxis. Switch Ataraxis and the chosen figure. If the chosen figure is not Undead, it receives 1 wound. Figures moved by Necrotizing Wormhole never take any leaving engagement attacks.
Name Point
Isamu 10
Otonashi 10
Kyntela Gwyn 20
Marcu Esenwein 20
Drow Chainfighter 25
Sahuagin Raider 25
Eldgrim the Viking Champion 30
Guilty McCreech 30
Air Elemental 30
Black Wyrmling 30
Red Wyrmling 30
Water Elemental 30
White Wyrmling 30
Blue Wyrmling 35
Earth Elemental 35
Fire Elemental 35
Sonya Esenwein 45
Arkmer 50
Brave Arrow 50
Iskra Esenwein 50
Deadeye Dan 60
Shiori 60
Samuel Brown 60
Darrak Ambershard 60
Johnny 'Shotgun' Sullivan 65
James Murphy 75
Khosumet the Darklord 75
Concan the Kyrie Warrior 80
Emirroon 80
Kumiko 80
Kelda the Kyrie Warrior 80
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior 80
Saylind the Kyrie Warrior 80
Finn the Viking Champion 80
Thorgrim the Viking Champion 80
Erevan Sunshadow 80
Estivara 80
Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior 90
Chardris 90
Crixus 90
Empress Kiova 90
Ne-Gok-Sa 90
Parmenio 90
Retiarius 90
Sir Hawthorne 90
Warden 816 90
Brandis Skyhunter 90
Heirloom 90
Agent Carr 100
Deathwalker 7000 100
Jorhdawn 100
Major X17 100
Marcus Decimus Gallus 100
Morsbane 100
Ornak 100
Sir Denrick 100
Syvarris 100
Ana Karithon 100
Mind Flayer Mastermind 100
Pelloth 100
Sir Gilbert 105
Acolarh 110
Alastair MacDirk 110
Laglor 110
Migol Ironwill 110
Moriko 110
Ninjas of the Northern Wind 110
Sgt. Drake Alexander 110
Valguard 110
Mika Connour 110
Rhogar Dragonspine 110
Sharwin Wildborn 110
Evar Scarcarver 110
Agent Skahen 120
Kaemon Awa 120
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior 80
Runa 120
Venoc Warlord 120
Kurrok the Elementalist 120
Mogrimm Forgehammer 120
Tandros Kreel 120
Siege 120
Hatamoto Taro 130
Kee-Mo-Shi 130
Tul-Bak-Ra 130
Master Win Chiu Woo 140
Sudema 140
Eltahale 140
Cyprien Esenwein 150
Sonlen 160
Sgt. Drake Alexander 110
Taelord the Kyrie Warrior 180
Kato Katsuro 200
Spartacus 200
Marrden Nagrubs 30
Arrow Gruts 40
Ashigaru Yari 40
Blade Gruts 40
Deathreavers 40
Fyorlag Spiders 40
Omnicron Repulsors 40
Venoc Vipers 40
Marro Dividers 50
Marro Drones 50
Marro Drudge 50
Marro Warriors 50
Rechets of Bogdan 50
Roman Legionnaires 50
Sacred Band 50
Tarn Viking Warriors 50
Warriors of Ashra 50
Goblin Cutters 50
Roman Archers 55
Death Chasers of Thesk 55
Ashigaru Harquebus 60
Blastatrons 60
Izumi Samurai 60
Marro Stingers 60
Zombies of Morindan 60
Greenscale Warriors 60
Death Knights of Valkrill 60
Armoc Vipers 65
Tagawa Samurai Archers 65
Mezzodemon Warmongers 65
4th Massachusetts Line 70
Aubrien Archers 70
The Axegrinders of Burning Forge 70
Capuan Gladiators 70
Heavy Gruts 70
Knights of Weston 70
Mohican River Tribe 70
Zettian Guards 70
Deepwyrm Drow 70
Phantom Knights 70
10th Regiment of Foot 75
Anubian Wolves 75
Dzu-Teh 75
Horned Skull Brutes 75
Gladiatrons 80
MacDirk Warriors 80
Shaolin Monks 80
Wolves of Badru 80
Warforged Soldiers 80
Gorillinators 90
Elite Onyx Vipers 100
Kozuke Samurai 100
Krav Maga Agents 100
Microcorp Agents 100
Obsidian Guards 100
Omnicron Snipers 100
Shades of Bleakewoode 100
Granite Guardians 100
Quasatch Hunters 100
Airborne Elite 110
Minions of Utgar 110
Protectors of Ullar 110
Sentinels of Jandar 110
Nakita Agents 120
Tagawa Samurai 120
Einar Imperium 140
Capt. John Varan 80
Haduc 100
Kira Jax 30
M-43 Resistance Fighters 65
Marro Gnids 50
Nicholas Esenwein 140
Preyblood Thrall 30
Van Nessing 105
Varkaanan Blade Dancers 80
Zaeus 130
Zogross Hardscale 120
Arashara Goshiri 200
Command Courier 35
Deathstrike Thrall 30
Elaria the Pale 60
Havech Eradicators 90
Martial La Hire 70
Myrddin 90
Skeletons of Annellintia 105
Ulfrid Hornwrangler 100
Cathar Spearmen 75
Count Raymond 90
Dreadgul Raiders 65
Eilan Sidhe 40
Kursus 55
Microcorp Troopers 80
Nhah Scirh Cultists 80
Siiv 40
Tomb Skeletons 40
Tomoe Gozen 110
B-11 Resistance Corps 110
Quorik Warwitch 110
Sir Orrick 50
Zettian Infantry 65
Beakface Sneaks 30
Cxurg'gyath 140
Priscus 100
Tyrian the Kyrie Warrior 110
Kantono Daishi 120
Akumaken 110
Ebon Armor 125
8th Infantry Pathfinder 35
Gorillitroopers 105
Shieldsmiths of Granite Keep 80
Crypt Guardian 60
Bloodburst Thrall 30
Knights of Blackgaard 120
Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior 130
Emperor Andask 130
Rygarn 90
20th Maine Volunteers 60
Achillean Gladiatrix 40
Beorn Boltcutter 50
Garrett Burns 70
Josie Whistlestop 70
Seleena 35
Tomb Skeleton Archers 30
Xualtiaca Fire Ants 55
Zettian Deathwings 50
53rd North Carolina Sharpshooters 55
Nottingham Brigand 35
Brute Gruts 65
Darkprowl Thrall 30
Teeth of the Makwa 70
Durgeth Ravagers 65
Heracles 200
Hrognak 60
Patrick Ferguson 40
Sentinels of Grax 100
Lao Xin 130
Chen Tang 90
Yi Feng 90
Zhen Yuan 70
Locksley 130
Azazel the Kyrie Warrior 140
Talingul 100
Banshees of Durgeth Swamp 70
Buccaneers of Tortuga 70
Morgan's Riflemen 60
Otar 45
Suskra 85
Azurite Warlord 145
Jarek Guy 100
Prince al'Kahora 80
Red Ants of Aunstrom 40
Cormin the Dark 75
Urk 65
Viceron the Blood Knight 130
Maltis Tez 35
Bol 10
Tetraites 110
Rendar Fy 85
Kha 85
Nissa Revane, Animist 150
Elf rangers 80
Path Wardens 100
Kessig 90
Arlinn Kord 150
Avacyn, On Bloodied Wings 100
Avacynian Inquisitors 85
Blighted Reavers 115
Bloodline Nobles 70
Chandra Nalaar, Pyromancer 150
Eldrazi Scions 55
Flamewing Phoenixes 35
Ghoul Vanguard 100
Gideon Jura, Combat Mage 150
Goblin Javelineers 100
Illusionary Projections 65
Jace, Investigator 150
Jace Beleren, Mindmage 150
Kiora, the Rising Tide 150
Kor Aeronaut Captain 100
Kor Hookmasters 60
Lantern Geists 30
Leyline Phantoms 95
Liliana Vess, Necromancer 150
Mad Prophet 70
Malakir Bloodchasers 100
Merfolk Roilmage 100
Nahiri, Fury in Stone 150
Necro-Alchemist 125
Ob Nixilis, Demon of Spite 150
Pummelroot Elementals 90
Restless Zombies 60
Rhox Veterans 90
Skirsdag Cultists 50
Sorin of the Eternal Thirst 150
Avery Johnson 75
Cortana 45
Spartan John-117 140
Spartan John-117 (V2) 140
Thel 'Vadam (V2) 150
Spartan-II 10
Thel 'Vadam 140
Elite Major 75
Elite Minor 70
Honor Guards 70
Lod Mron 100
Grunts 50
Elite Zealot 110
Wildwood runner 40
Wildwood Sentinel 100
Sgt. Drake Alexander (V2) 170
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (V2) 120
UNSC marines 80
Clawfoot Interceptor 50
Red mantis Blade Dancers 80
Honor guard of the blasted lands 65
Ezio 50
Ezio Auditore De Firenze 100
Yusuf Tazim 140
La Volpe 70
Mario Auditore 140
Millerson 105
Gen. Simon Fraser 45
Re-tak-shi 80
Acolythes of Vorganund 50
Tombstone Gunslinger 25
12th Caucasus Rifles 60
Xundar 150
Shadow Binder 25
Shadow Fiend 35
Shadow Hound 35
Cal the smuggler 60
Kuthnak 70
Specters of Aldorn 60
Goblin Slashers 55
Bugbear Basher 65
Soontir Van 50
Ranjit Singh 140
Koggo 45
Wastwalker Gage 90
Olog 35
Clayton Pierce 90
Kate Crawford 40
Amberhive Protectors 50
Makwa Tribesman 35
Father Caylus 55
Ataraxis the Starlich 160
Maekor 115
Agent Nora 75

Opponents' figures within 5 spaces of Ataraxis roll 1 less defense die against terrifying figures.

When Ataraxis is destroyed, you may remove all wound markers from this card and place Ataraxis on the card of any Unique Hero within 5 spaces of Ataraxis. For the entire game, if a Unique Hero with your Ataraxis on its card is destroyed by a normal or special attack or a leaving engagement attack, immediately place Ataraxis on a space the destroyed figure occupied, if possible.
Name Point
Isamu 10
Otonashi 10
Kyntela Gwyn 20
Marcu Esenwein 20
Eldgrim the Viking Champion 30
Guilty McCreech 30
Theracus 40
Sonya Esenwein 45
Arkmer 50
Brave Arrow 50
Iskra Esenwein 50
Me-Burq-Sa 50
Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider 50
Deadeye Dan 60
Shiori 60
Zetacron 60
Samuel Brown 60
Darrak Ambershard 60
Johnny 'Shotgun' Sullivan 65
James Murphy 75
Khosumet the Darklord 75
Concan the Kyrie Warrior 80
Emirroon 80
Kumiko 80
Kelda the Kyrie Warrior 80
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior 80
Saylind the Kyrie Warrior 80
Finn the Viking Champion 80
Thorgrim the Viking Champion 80
Erevan Sunshadow 80
Estivara 80
Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior 90
Chardris 90
Crixus 90
Empress Kiova 90
Ne-Gok-Sa 90
Parmenio 90
Retiarius 90
Sir Hawthorne 90
Warden 816 90
Brandis Skyhunter 90
Heirloom 90
Agent Carr 100
Deathwalker 7000 100
Gurei-Oni 100
Jorhdawn 100
Major X17 100
Marcus Decimus Gallus 100
Morsbane 100
Ornak 100
Sir Denrick 100
Syvarris 100
Tornak 100
Ana Karithon 100
Pelloth 100
Sir Gilbert 105
Acolarh 110
Alastair MacDirk 110
Brunak 110
Dünd 110
Laglor 110
Migol Ironwill 110
Moriko 110
Sgt. Drake Alexander 110
Valguard 110
Mika Connour 110
Rhogar Dragonspine 110
Sharwin Wildborn 110
Evar Scarcarver 110
Agent Skahen 120
Grimnak 120
Kaemon Awa 120
Krug 120
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior 80
Runa 120
Venoc Warlord 120
Kurrok the Elementalist 120
Mogrimm Forgehammer 120
Tandros Kreel 120
Torin 120
Siege 120
Deathwalker 8000 130
Hatamoto Taro 130
Kee-Mo-Shi 130
Tul-Bak-Ra 130
Wo-Sa-Ga 135
Deathwalker 9000 140
Master Win Chiu Woo 140
Sudema 140
Othkurik the Black Dragon 140
Eltahale 140
Cyprien Esenwein 150
Major Q10 150
Mimring 150
Sir Dupuis 150
Ulginesh 150
Marro Hive 160
Sonlen 160
Su-Bak-Na 160
Shurrak 160
Sgt. Drake Alexander 110
Major Q9 180
Taelord the Kyrie Warrior 180
Nilfheim 185
Sujoah 185
Zelrig 185
Kato Katsuro 200
Spartacus 200
Braxas 210
Charos 210
Tor-Kul-Na 220
Jotun 225
Capt. John Varan 80
Haduc 100
Kira Jax 30
Nicholas Esenwein 140
Omegacron 180
Van Nessing 105
Zaeus 130
Zogross Hardscale 120
Arashara Goshiri 200
Elaria the Pale 60
Martial La Hire 70
Myrddin 90
Ulfrid Hornwrangler 100
Augamo 155
Count Raymond 90
Kursus 55
Siiv 40
Tomoe Gozen 110
Arktos 95
Bahadur 120
Grigor & Rogirg 170
Manauvi 110
Quorik Warwitch 110
Sir Orrick 50
Deathcommander Mark 3 130
Mok 220
Morgoloth 140
Quahon 190
Racheim 140
Cxurg'gyath 140
Priscus 100
Tyrian the Kyrie Warrior 110
Brimstone 150
Kantono Daishi 120
Akumaken 110
Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior 130
Emperor Andask 130
Major J15 95
Rygarn 90
Beorn Boltcutter 50
Bramcephys 230
Garrett Burns 70
Josie Whistlestop 70
Seleena 35
The Varja 160
Heracles 200
Hrognak 60
Patrick Ferguson 40
Pel the Hill Giant 95
Lao Xin 130
Chen Tang 90
Yi Feng 90
Zhen Yuan 70
Locksley 130
Arthur of Sherwood 70
Kozil 130
Boreos 115
Azazel the Kyrie Warrior 140
Talingul 100
Otar 45
Suskra 85
Marutuk 195
Brontos 175
Deltacron 90
Avernus 135
Hrognak 205
Azurite Warlord 145
Jarek Guy 100
Prince al'Kahora 80
Asterios 120
Cormin the Dark 75
Ashi-Dhulu 115
Urk 65
Executioner 616 115
Viceron the Blood Knight 130
Kon-Tar-Na 150
Maltis Tez 35
Bol 10
Tetraites 110
Uzog 110
Rendar Fy 85
Kha 85
Lilja 115
Nissa Revane, Animist 150
Arlinn Kord 150
Avacyn, On Bloodied Wings 100
Chandra Nalaar, Pyromancer 150
Eldrazi Ruiner 150
Ghoul Vanguard 100
Gideon Jura, Combat Mage 150
Jace, Investigator 150
Jace Beleren, Mindmage 150
Kiora, the Rising Tide 150
Kor Aeronaut Captain 100
Kor Hookmasters 60
Liliana Vess, Necromancer 150
Mad Prophet 70
Merfolk Roilmage 100
Nahiri, Fury in Stone 150
Necro-Alchemist 125
Ob Nixilis, Demon of Spite 150
Sorin of the Eternal Thirst 150
Avery Johnson 75
Cortana 45
Spartan John-117 140
Spartan John-117 (V2) 140
Thel 'Vadam (V2) 150
Thel 'Vadam 140
Lod Mron 100
Elite Zealot 110
Wildwood Monarch 140
Sgt. Drake Alexander (V2) 170
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (V2) 120
Gothlok 130
Ezio 50
Ezio Auditore De Firenze 100
Yusuf Tazim 140
La Volpe 70
Mario Auditore 140
Moltenclaw 170
Millerson 105
Gen. Simon Fraser 45
Himmelskralle 100
Z'thoth, mouth of the abyss 140
Re-tak-shi 80
Xundar 150
Motley Max 135
Cal the smuggler 60
Kuthnak 70
Breach 145
Corvor the Tainted One 175
Soontir Van 50
Swaysil 50
Ranjit Singh 140
Koggo 45
Wastwalker Gage 90
Axentia 180
M.A.R.S. 110
Olog 35
Clayton Pierce 90
Kate Crawford 40
Father Caylus 55
Ataraxis the Starlich 160
Maekor 115
Mellifera 100
Kalagrith 190
Agent Nora 75

Skeletons of Annellintia NECROMANCY
Flamewing Phoenixes REBIRTH
Liliana Vess, Necromancer ZOMBIE TOUGHNESS
Restless Zombies DARKNESS ARISES
Eldgrim the Viking Champion WARRIOR'S SWIFTNESS SPIRIT
Theracus , Brunak CARRY
Kelda the Kyrie Warrior HEALING TOUCH
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior , Raelin the Kyrie Warrior DEFENSIVE AURA
Saylind the Kyrie Warrior SPEAR OF SUMMONING
Finn the Viking Champion WARRIOR'S ATTACK SPIRIT 1
Thorgrim the Viking Champion DEFENSIVE AURA 1
Thorgrim the Viking Champion WARRIOR'S ARMOR SPIRIT 1
Rhogar Dragonspine LAY ON HANDS
Taelord the Kyrie Warrior ATTACK AURA
Zogross Hardscale OPPORTUNITY STRIKE 15
Arashara Goshiri SHIFTING SANDS
Tomb Skeletons FLANKING
Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior LIFE TRANSFER AURA
Brontos ABDUCT
Cormin the Dark FAÇADE
Path Wardens ESCORT
Merfolk Roilmage PART WATERS
Elite Major ATTACK AURA 2
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (V2) EXTENDED DEFENSIVE AURA
Ataraxis the Starlich NECROTIZING WORMHOLE
Ataraxis the Starlich NANOBOT SOUL CAGE